The Joy is in the Journey

“The questions people ask at earlier stages of life become more profound at these later stages,” he says. “Am I living the life I want to live? What is most important to me? Who is most important to me? You see the end, and so you think about what you want to do with the time that you have remaining. There is the question of: now what?”

About Charlie & Beth

Thanks for stopping by. We’re Charlie and Beth the founders of While U Still Can. In 2022 was the point where “it was now or never” for launching the version of While U Still Can we envisioned. Join us on our journey and feel free to contact us with how you are living out your retirement years.

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Blissfully Homeless Enjoying Purposeful Temporary Living

Join us in exploring fun place and engaging with pursuits and people that evoke joy!

Nothing Is More Powerful Than An Idea Whose Time Has Come

We knew it was coming. We saw it with our grandparents and parents. Retirement brings lifestyle changes and compromise. My grandparents remained in their original house and lived out their lives until they died. Beth's grandparents did the same. Her parents retired early and moved to Florida where they spent their remaining years. There is no one solution that suits all! Our idea is retire and begin to engage Purposeful Temporary Living; jettisoning our house and most everything in it before hitting the road to explore fun places and engaging with the people and places that we visit. We travel from place to place in a 2016 Subaru Outback with two E-Bikes.

Locations VisitedOur Journey

Let your freedom take you to places you have never seen or experienced.

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In CategoryNature

“We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” – Native American proverb

Aldridge Creek Greenway, Huntsville, AL

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Biking To South Chickamauga Greenway

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Hiking To Tumbling Water Falls

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In Category Lifestyle

Sunday Family Bike Ride

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Boating On The Tennessee

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Citizen Patrol

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